Monday, January 21, 2013


I have been taking pictures for as long as I can remember, some good some not so good. I have used a 110 camera, disposable 35 mm cameras 126 cameras. Worked at Card and Camera Coral in Mesa and bought my first 35 mm SLR Yashica camera in about 1975 or 1976, I still have that camera and still use it. I recently acquired a Canon Digital SLR camera body from my friend John and have finally gotten some lenses to go with it.
I have been perusing the web for lenses and and information on the Canon. I found a website, and read several of their learning articles, so now I had to go and try some of the techniques.
Now my Yashica is a fully manual camera, in focus, shutter speed and aperture, and I know how they work and what to do with each, but reading again about them and having a automatic camera I had to go out and try manual settings on it. Ginger Julia and I went to the Mesa Art Center and took some pictures with different settings and this is what we got.

It was fun to play and not to think about how many pictures we took.

1 comment:

Rachael Papes said...

Sometimes more is better!!