This morning Benjamin, Julia and I took the Olds and headed east, way east. First stop our favorite waterfall, which sadly was not flowing. We didn't hike all the way in but did get out and stretch our legs. I knew today that we wanted to end up in Carlsbad, New Mexico and here we are at the Wendy's updating the blog. This is our adventure today. Hope everyone is having just as much fun. It did rain alittle when we started to get close to Carlsbad, thanks Mikie for recomending the tarp for the tent, we'll probably need it.

Every time a drive thru Globe, I remember the story my Nonnie told me about the speeding ticket she got here and how mad she was that the policeman wouldn't let her off even though she knew Rose Mofford. And yes, she really did.

Picture complements of Benjamin. President Kimball married Florence Posey and Arthur Burtcher in Thatcher many years ago. She was a temple going woman and would be proud to see this area finally have a temple close by. The Posey's and the Anderson's lived in Thatcher and can be found in several of their cemeteries.

We made a stop in Duncan. This is my mother's grandfather. He donated the property that is the Duncan Cemetery. Her father is buried there also. The Burtcher's were ranchers in this area. Somewhere close her aunt still lives on the farm.

Picture complements of Julia. This is the train yard in Lordsburg. We just couldn't pass it by. Four tracks, with three trains waiting.

In Las Cruzes we let Girdy find us a Target, where we purchased Julia a pair of tennies and a tooth brush. Twice while we were there Girdy said right when I could see left was the answer. The first time I let her take us around the block and the second time I could see the freeway ramp, just a couple of hundred feet to the left and she wanted me to follow the service road 5 miles to the right. I disobeyed and was on I-10 . After leaving Target though we put in our destination and trusted. She took us on several small hwys and around some mountains and a military area. The roads were fun and alot more interesting than I -10. I'd never been in north El Paso. Then we started driving down 180/62 and this is what we saw. First the adopt a hwy sign and then we noticed that 10 ft of the frontage grass was very green next to the dry grass on the other side of the fence. If you adopt this hwy do you have to water and mow the grass?
so you did not make it to carlsbad?
Gary brought back the chairs and tables and table cloths today
How fun that we get to go on your adventure with you!!! Be careful out there.
aceduc: huey, dewey and louie's cousin?
is your gps set for 'no left turns'?
sounds like a fun adventure.
last day in portland for us -- we'll be visiting the japanese gardens and the arboretum. will post pictures after we get home tomorrow.
love you!
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