Sorry didn't get this one turned around and I couldn't get it to change. It really doesn't do dad's garden justice anyway. He's got all kinds of veggies growing. He finally had to let the grass grow to help shade and keep the moisture in, things were just burning up. He's been harvesting sqash and okra and tomatoes, every day we've been here. These are the leafy veggies here. Some of us do eat our greens.

We went to Cis's work and found her and Shay. Then we took Shay back to their place and she let us ride horses. It was a lot of fun. Julia was a little nervous and her horse went under the swing set and tryed to swipe her off. She did just great and bent back wards and stayed on. She needs to use the reins to show the horse where she wants to go. I did ride some, but it was always Cis who was the horse woman. It's good to see one of Nonnie and Grandad's grand children keeping up their legacy of horsemanship and ranching. The horses were beautiful and well cared for. Shay has been winning quite a few competitions, one of them the 4H, where she won a saddle.

We left Cis's place and went to Uncle Jacky's house were we found him, but his wife Ellen was out of town. We visited and Ben and Julia napped on the couch. Shay doesn't seem to bothered with this heat, but it sure takes it out of us.

Followed my Uncle Jacky over to Waskom to see my cousin Mike. Had a good visit, the kids had french fries and soda. Then we took Shay back to Elysain Fields and went back to dad's. There Ben and Julia went swimming with a new friend named Cheyenne. They were all wore out by the end of the day.
I miss you a lot mama :(
Looks like tons of fun and lots of grave yards! Didn't get a chance to miss you since we were out of town too! Good to know Ben and Julia are also going to have Texas memories. Anyone greet you in underpants?
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