The Burkburnett Library, some wonderful girlscout did a project where she went to every cemetery in Burkburnett and cataloged, each grave, and then did a catalog of the mortishians log. Awsome information. Ben and Julia getting a little restless. One more library and then on the road to Jefferson. We should make it by nightfall.

Benjamin is so enthused about another library. This is the Wichita Falls Library, here I found mortuary records and discovered a mortishan that no one remembers. Maybe he buried my elusive great, great, grand mother.

Alvord, Texas where grandad was born. This is not the house it's too new, but I just couldn't resist, for years Nonnie and Grandad had a front porch with chairs and places to visit out front and it was where they spent most of their time with company. Good times.

Julia checking out the headstone. I've been here a few times and can find it more quickly each time. No big spiders but lots of zakadas, it made it eery in the dapple light through the trees. It took a little bush wacking to get to it.

Benjamin doing his best to help stop this tree from pushing the headstone over.

Saddly this is the Elms Creek Cemetery in Caddo Mills, Texas. Every time I come this way I stop in. DD Mullins and Etna Ellen Tackett are buried here. He was the sheriff in Caddo Mills, and rumor has it that he was really mean. He had a falling out with the family and it took me many years to even discover where he and his wife were buried. Last time I brought my mother and my sister here there had been a flood and so much damage had been done. This time it was very over grown, many trees have nocked over the head stones. They have a tree growing right in front of there headstone. The saw was too small to do a good job, but Benjamin did his best to make it a little better. They should be moved to the other cemetery in town, but I'm sure that would cost quite a bit. There are a few other family members here. I have records, if you're ever interested.

There are some things that I just love about Texas. Yes this is a two lane Hwy, and yes the speed limit is 70, which everyone is doing and it has curves and hills, such fun driving. Between Alvord and Jefferson we were coming down a long hill. The Hwy was divided and 3 lanes wide on each side. Six or seven car lengths in front of us a trailer disconnected from a truck and started across two lanes of traffic by itself, every one in front of us started slowing down, the truck right behind him started over behind the trailer, everyone watched as it jumped the median and went into on coming traffic, where everyone else had started to slow down. No tires locked up or people swerving or cussing, just everyone slowing down and making just the right moves. By the time the trailer came to a stop, the owner of the trailer had crossed over and at least three trucks had stopped to help him get his trailer back where it belonged. The speed limit was 65 and no one got hurt, mostly I think because most of these people are so laided back that it's no big deal and you just stop to help, because it just could have been you.

We arrived in Jefferson about 7pm, in time to go to the carwash and wash off all the bug guts. Then on to Marshall, Girdy doesn't know about the Walmart on Hwy 59, we had to make a pitstop there. Then I called Cis and she was at the Marshall arena with Shay. Shay was working out the horses with the 4H drill team. They have a state competion in a few weeks. It looked very well done. These are two of her horses, the one named fluffy does quite well on the barrells.

After waking up this morning we went to town and I turned the wrong way on Hwy 59 and missed Uncle Jacky's place so on the Hwy 80 and we stopped in at Cissy's work. We stayed up untill 3:30am or so visiting. She got up and was out to work by 8am we slept till 9:30 before we left. This is Cis's house. She has 10 horses, a donkey, rabbits, a chaweeny dog (named Ginger), two cats and two more dogs, one who's not too sure that we are welcome. She was very hospitable. No internet.
Spent the night at Dad's. Had a good visit, took the kids swimming and then onto the hamberger place in Jefferson. The Howell's daughter no longer owns it and it's just not the same. The lot where Nonnie and Grandad's house was is just grass now. No traces of the fun we had there, just memories. Woke up at 4:44 am this morning Texas time. I must finally be on the right time schedual. We're sitting on the side of the road where we finally found an open internet connection. Tried all day yesterday to find one in a fast food place, no luck.
Why is it just grass? That makes me so sad.
Mom I need you to call me since I can't get a hold of you on your cell
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