Emilee turned 16 today. She had many happy birthday songs, babysat for Rachael, and then came home to get ready for her first date. The young man came to the door, knocked and came in to meet mom. No horn honking drive by. Mom took some pictures of the daughter and the date and then proceeded to discuss curfew. Mom followed daughter and date out to car. Took picture of car, license plate, date and daughter. I've learned that those Gillespie genes (jeans) can sure look good. Need info incase the date does not return daughter. So far this tactic has worked well for dates leaving from our house. Not so well when dates leave from the school, or friends houses. There's always a loop hole. Oh and by the way, this is the only date you go on where your mother gets to kiss your date goodbye.
Well we went and raced go carts, then over to bass pro shop to see the fishes, and bought some fudge, not fish flavored! Then over to Famous Daves for dinner, shared some fudge with our waitress, Famous Meagan and even got a candle on our dessert and funny money for a tip. all in all a good time was had by all!
Well we went and raced go carts, then over to bass pro shop to see the fishes, and bought some fudge, not fish flavored! Then over to Famous Daves for dinner, shared some fudge with our waitress, Famous Meagan and even got a candle on our dessert and funny money for a tip. all in all a good time was had by all!
that is so sweet! happy birthday, emilee. where'd you go on your date?
untena (not an antenna?)
/They/re not back yet, but dinner, go cart racing, and desert. He said they'd probably be back 9-9:30.
Funnest date ever that I've had so far :)
~love E
emilee is the Best! HAppy Birthday!
that is so sweet! I was reading it at work - where I can't see any of the pictures, so I didn't know who the mystery date was. I couldn't wait to get home so I could log on and see!!!
soooo....wheres the picture of the date? :]
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