June is a popular month for birthdays. Emilee on the 18th, Kathy on the 20th, and Michael on the 29th. With everyone coming and going so much on vacations and activities we threw them all together and had a slightly impromptu party, only 32 in attendance. It took 4 fire bugs to light the candles, even though Michael's cake only had 2 (we didn't need to invite the fire department too). It took hardly any time at all before everyone had cake and ice cream and the visiting could begin. About 9:30, early for most, we were back to just us. Hopefully everyone had a good time, I think the birthday kids did.
Summer Break
7 years ago
Mikie looks really happy to be sharing his birthday celebration with two of his beautiful daughters. Do you remember when you weren't happy about sharing it with ONE dorky sister?
Oh we heard all about the shared birthday cake at the Grand Canyon! There was a little pouting!
billy: Dad's date to Disney Land
No Dawn not billy its John billy is going to the ocean with Rachael
or so he wishes, some one has to stay at the shop and run it.
Oh well!
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