Sunday, March 29, 2009

of Baby's Days
Paul Alan Gillespie

To-day I came into the world
at 12:30 O'clock pm on
Sunday the 29th of March 1936
St. Vincent's Hospital
Sassatrass St., Erie, Pa.

At birth I measured 20"
at 1 month 22"
at 2 months 23 1/2"
at 3 months 25 1/2"
at 4 months 26 1/2"
at 5 months 27"
at 6 months 29"
at 9 months 31"
When I was born I weighed 7 lbs 5 oz
1 month 7 lb 14 oz
2 month 10 lb 7 oz
3 month 13 lb 2 oz
4 month 15 lb 13 oz
5 month 18 lb
6 month 21 lb
9 month 25 lb 9 oz
1 year 28 lb 8 oz

Health Record
May 20th-7 1/2 weeks old Smiled and cooed in bath.
May 21st Slept out on porch
16 weeks and 5 days old Rolled from face down to lying on back
Sept. 27, Sunday My first tooth, upper left front
Oct. 6th, My second, upper right front
Oct. 18th, My third, right front. lower
Oct 18th, 1936, I tore up Daddy's "Boy's World" a Sunday School paper for boys. Also got up on my hands and knees!
In November I would get up on my hands and feet and later stood on my knees. I started crawling this month.
By Thanksgiving I began to stand up in bed, holding the sides and early in December I stood in my "pen". By the 10th I was standing anywhere I could get hold of a support, and loved to stand, one hand against the radio and the other slapping it or turning dials.
January 29, 1937- Just 10 months old to-day and when mother was out I climbed the stairs all alone and found Daddy in his study.

First Outing
Went with Mother, Daddy, Rev. & Mrs. P.T. Gerrard and Mss Low to wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs. C.B. Smith. Slept nicely until time for feeding. April 28, 1936 (1 month old)

Baby's Favorite Toys
Age 6 months, any paper or magazine
at 7 months a string of wooden beads and a rubber donkey- possibly due to Democratic leanings in a Democratic year.
Age 8 months - greatly attracted by electric light cords & lamps.

Baby's First Step
Jan. 28, 1937 - One day before 10 months of age. Stood alone, with no support, the day before.

Mother's Remarks

My Travels
April 8 Wed
When 10 days old, went by Taxicab with Mother and nurse, Miss Morrison, to the home of Mr. & Mrs. Grant Joslyn & Donald, at 2680 Myrtle Street, Erie, Pa. (Daddy moved from Conneautville, Pa. to Sebring, Ohio, today also.)
April 22 Wed
Daddy took Mother & me to Sebring, Ohio, this afternoon in the Chevrolet, to our new home. (3 weeks)
May 11 Mon
We went to Erie, Pa. & back to Sebring today, to see Dr Meyers. Whole distance was 250 miles.
May 18 Mon
Visited "Uncle Paul" and "Aunt Rhea" Gerrard at Hubbard, Ohio
Jun 1 Mon
Only 2 months old but we visited the Shawkey's at Connneautville, Pa. from Monday to Thursday. Came to Conneautville via Erie & Dr. Meyer.
August 3
Sebring- Erie-Waterford, Pa to Warners
August 4
Waterford, Pa to Glen Spey, N Y First visit to Grandfather & Grandmother Gillespies. Great-Grandmother Green came up later.
August 16
Baptized by Daddy, at Grandfather Gillespie's. Grandmother Gillespie & Great grandmother Green there.
August 18
To Takoma Park, D C & the Paravanos, via Pa & Md
August 25
To Latrobe Pa
August 26
Saw Grandfather & Grandmother Hartman on Her birthday
August 27
Home to Sebring, O via Pittsburgh Pa and Chester, W Va Travelled this summer about 1,500 miles all by automobile

PS He started that 'on the road again' thing early.


Brenda said...

showed an early interest in electronics, too!


ELHG said...

What fun to read about young Paul!
from Ellen

Anonymous said...

So interesting!