Saturday, we moved all of Cristal's stuff to Thatcher to her new room. It was a little on the rainy side but over all the ride went well. We stopped in Globe for Mexican food, yummy!!! Michael must have had a little too much. He handed me the keys and took a short nap.
We arrived in Thatcher to find that Cristal's room is larger than our master bedroom and she doesn't have to share with anyone. It looked like she had more room than she really needed, but I'm sure she'll fill it up and make use of it. I already told her when she comes home plan on renting a storage unit. She did show me the pantry and that she had bought some food, even fresh bananas.
You can tell what we are most interested in by the pictures that we take. This is just a small sample of the 10 or more engines we saw on our drive. Sadly they keep all the cute ones in cages.
Isn't that what you try to do to all your cute girls? keep them in cages?
I only wish I had cages, no maybe I wanted you to have facial warts that dropped off about age 19. It's only because all of you are so pretty.
Love you, mom
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