Monday, July 13, 2009

Julia and Ben would like to thank Aunt Christy for the flavor packets for the water. Me too, the lemon flavor was really good and we have gone through a case and a half of water since leaving Jefferson. Julia says they're delectable.

After visiting City Hall and the Mortician we finally left Burkburnett, Texas. I need to make a few phone calls at the end of the week. I spoke to several people who had no idea about the Thomas Mortuary in the 1930's. They said they would check in to where their records would have ended up, since the library in Burkburnett doesn't have anything on them. Wichita Falls did mention them in the county farm burials. They were issuing them permitts to pick up bodies and transport them to cemeteries.

We've seen all kinds of farms here, cattle ranches, hay fields, oil fields, corn fields, wind farms, and lots and lots of trees and deer.

Julia played a little Myst, watched a movie and snacked on grapes. She did share some of the grapes with me. Not much to see outside just low rolling hills of grass.

Hours and hours of prairie with very little trees, has this effect on Ben.

Complements of Julia. We kept passing cars on trailers. This one was at the gas station. There must have been a car show somewhere close by.

Ben nonchalant face, he couldn't possibly be having any fun.

This is Ben's traveling face, better than that serious face he wears at home.

Julia took this beautiful picture of the clouds.

Flying down I-40 we nearly missed this church hidden in the hillside. Very cool, almost like an old castle. Julia was the one who saw it, Ben took the picture.

Sunset in Grants, New Mexico. We're settling in for the night at the local KOA. It's nice to have electricity even though we're in a tent. Computers and sleeping bags, who knew?


Katt said...

Why does ben have a stick in his mouth? This and the benjamin city sign remind me of tom sawyer a little. Cut off shorts no shoes. I'm glad your finally coming home. I have needed you. . .

ELHG said...

Sounds like lots of miles rolling by. Be safe... see you soon!