Yeah Gary is correct it is an adapter for 45 rpm records.
About a year ago I bought a record player that goes into a USB port on the computer, and within a month the adapter vanished. Well I now have several new records that can be transfered to digital and no adapter, they can be bought on the internet, and maybe with some looking maybe a Bookmans or some place that sells records. With that said I looked on google images and found one with a knob on the top and being that I work in an automotive machine shop decided that it should have a piston on the top. So 2 hours later and with a little imagination this is what was created, it looks very similar to a 12 to 1 pop up piston you would find in a older Chevy engine.
Hope you enjoyed the game and I know it was not truly fair as this is the only one like it and does not really look like an actual one

This might be what you would remember as an adapter
And this might be the next project.
Just need to find someone with a laser cutter
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