Most children love stuffed animals, not Ben. His favorite animal toy was this rubber rat that my grandmother gave him. They spent many happy hours on the trampoline, in the back yard, playing in the dirt, riding in small dump trucks, and the best was chasing his sisters.

Here we are again. Seems like there have been a few items that have lasted through the throngs of children that have blessed our home in one way or another. My mom gave us this trampoline when she no longer had children living with her. That was in the 1980's. Lately it has seen less and less use and the place that made the mats not longer is. It is an odd size. I've decided that this is to be the last mat. The grand children look like they are enjoying it. Isn't that what having stuff is all about? Enjoy it, use it up, and then recycle what's left.
Thats a great tramp. All the springs were already broken in. I jumped on others that were newer and thought they must have something wrong with them, ours had really good bounce!!
You can get a new mat for the trampoline and they will customize the size. All you have to do is take your old mat to them, and they put the right amount of hooks for springs and the right size and wah-lah! It does run about 150.00. I had to do it for my tramoline.
Does this mean you don't want me to retire it? You each have one at your houses.
I miss all the trees in the back yard. They were so much fun to climb. And you cant recyle the tramp how am I ever to learn how to do a backflip again if it is gone.
Sorry dear. Until the back yard waters itself there just won't be much growth. And if it's practice you want, there is always Rachael's or Dawn's house. Besides the mat isn't done yet.
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