Love Notes to My Family
Carol Gillespie
Carol Gillespie
Both my Grandmothers died in the same year. Grammy Jayne the first part of the year & Grandmother Taylor at the end of the year. After that Pappy Taylor came to live with us. He was my pal & we got along famously.
Nov 1984
Snow at The Ranch-simply beautiful
Brenda is spending Thanksgiving fixing dinner at a half-way house
Gary is anticipating buying his first auto
Shopping & lunch trip with Lori
Dawn's first school picture
In October Aunt Joyce came for a visit. We introduced her to the joys of porta-doors & tow truck rides. Lunch at El Tovar was special.
What would we do without Cream of Celery Soup?
Christmas 1984-
What a special, wonderful day with all the family gathered for brunch.
It's been a busy time with Karen's shower on the 23rd, New Year's eve with the Hughes & an informal open house on New Year's Eve day- and a Gillespie Ladies Lunch at the Raddison.
Nov 1984
Snow at The Ranch-simply beautiful
Brenda is spending Thanksgiving fixing dinner at a half-way house
Gary is anticipating buying his first auto
Shopping & lunch trip with Lori
Dawn's first school picture
In October Aunt Joyce came for a visit. We introduced her to the joys of porta-doors & tow truck rides. Lunch at El Tovar was special.
What would we do without Cream of Celery Soup?
Christmas 1984-
What a special, wonderful day with all the family gathered for brunch.
It's been a busy time with Karen's shower on the 23rd, New Year's eve with the Hughes & an informal open house on New Year's Eve day- and a Gillespie Ladies Lunch at the Raddison.
I remember that lunch at the Raddison! Couldn't get the waiter to bring us water and I grabbed his coat-tail as he went by to get his attention!
Remember how we used to tease her about her recipes all starting with a can of cream of celery soup?
Yeah and remember that time we saw that Geo Metro driving on the 60 with a giant blow up can of cream of chicken soup in the back seat. - and you called her and told her.
driving a geo really is like driving a soup can. :)
It's been neat reading the book, and the change in handwriting in the last of her pages, How did you get the baseball one lori (karac (crack) of the bat)
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