If I have time, gas, and wheels, I love to load up and go. This time we had a destination to take Cristal back to Thatcher. Why not do a little exploring along the way. Our first stop was the water fall in Devil's canyon. It's located between Superior and Globe, just past the tunnel. You can park at the second pull out on the right and follow the path
on the south side of the road to the bridge, where
you can then climb down and under the bridge.
This will put you next to the creek bed. If there

has been rain or the snow is melting the water
will be running. If not then there is a pool of
water there just above the hiway.
If you are brave you can climb up the
right side of the water fall to
another pool of water and
another water fall.
Cristal was good enough
to take the picture of
the upper fall so I could
stay with Julia.

Also by the falls there
was another couple. They had
found out about the falls
though an email they had
received. I had discovered
them while Julia and I
were on fall break, and
looking for geo caches.
There is one there but I
had stolen the batteries
out of the gps for the
camera. Lesson learned
carry extra batteries.
Maybe next time, we can
find the geo cache.
After stopping in Thatcher for food and Cristal's friend, Alex, we continued on our way up Mount Graham. There was a rumor that snow was to be found and we had several geo caches to look for. The road is steep and states that you must be no longer than 40 feet. I can't imagine driving a school bus up this road, they are 40 ft long. We did find snow, make snow angels, throw snow balls, climb up a small canyon, find 2 geo caches (Ben), and watch Paul ride his bike a ways down the mountain. After seeing him with both feet on the ground I was informed that the bike he was riding had no brakes. Being mom, I decided not to let him go too far down the road before having him load up. We continued down the hill and about 2/3 's of the way down could smell the brakes. It is quite steep, but a really fun drive. Next time I'd like to take the olds but with the power steering fixed. It is not a road to drive while looking over the edge.
1 comment:
Wow that sure is a lot of snow! what is that 3 inches!? you guys must have been cold!
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