Sunday, February 1, 2009

We must be up to speed. Our Saturday went something like this.
5:30 got up showered, started laundry and dishwasher
7:00 gathered everyone but Ben to help someone move. He was camping with the BSA.
11:00 out to breakfast at Burger King
11:30 Michael went to do some church stuff, dropped Emilee at Kathy's to help watch Adam's
children, took Julia to the first of three birthday parties, stopped at the library to see if
I could get some more of the book I'm transcribing onto my jump drive, and use their
internet to get to paid research sites.
4:00 stopped at home to find Paul and Michael watching a little TV. We don't see that much
5:00 Costco, Fresh and Easy and picked up Julia from her last party.
6:00 Walmart with Michael to finish shopping
7:00 dinner and a movie at home
9:30 Bedtime. Paul checked in at 10:15. He went out bike riding about 5:00. Emilee checked
in at 11:45. She had to bang on the door because someone locked it too early. Finally
midnight the house was quiet and settling in.
Then we started again Sunday morning, with Michael up at 5:30 for meetings, ...


Katt said...

I told dad to leave the door unlocked!

Anonymous said...

Ah Saturday is a special day... It's the day we get ready for Sunday! The not so much rest day! I wish for sleeping in, as I told the women who decided to start the pinewood derby stuff at 7:30 am last Saturday!!

Diamond G said...

Help move?
Your brother/brother in law/uncle is moving. Know of anyone willing to help move some heavy stuff? The light stuff is 300+lbs the heavy is over 800 lbs.

mikestribe said...

What days are you planning, I may be able to assemble a small team.
Just beware that Saturdays are usually busy, but generally in the a.m., Boy scouts this sat till about 2, wedding next saturday varsity scouts the following saturday till about 2 or 3?

Diamond G said...

Planning on taking Thursday and Friday off. Most of the little stuff is done. Hopefully I'll have everything moved this weekend.