Tuesday we were off to the Methodist Church on 1st Ave, to Heritage's Chior Concert. I love to go just to watch Mrs. Cambell direct. Sadly this was to be her last concert series. Grandpa was there along with my friend Pamela and her son Daniel. Benjamin did a wonderful job, he really looked like he was having fun. The bow tie and cumberbun were made by mom. It was a chore finding a cumberbun pattern.
Thursday we were off to the Mesa Arts Center to Heritage's Dance Concert. I miss counted some where and only had 10 tickets but needed 11. At the last moment they offered me a seat on the floor level, the show was sold out. The performance was outstanding as usual, Emilee was quite the indian maiden. Photos are not allowed during the performance but afterwards we took a few and then went back to the house for the traditional icecream feast. A few of us were missing though. Emilee, Pamela, Kathy, Tina (Jordan), Cristal and Amanda went to the midnight showing of "Twilight". PS Emilee said the book was better and that the camera angles were awful.
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